
LOGOS Activities


There are many activities in LOGOS and in particular at National formation level.

I still remember at the beginning, how at the LOGOS HQ., youths ( we) had formed a football club, named the LOGOS Football Club and my boys could beat older clubs then, such as the local Catholic Parish football club, and other teams from the surrounding villages.

LOGOS, as the Camp was simply called, had the youths even improvise musical instruments, from old tins, wires etc. and at the Annual Agricultural Show LOGOS won prices—at football competitions and music too. The spirit for activities and games was born then, and has never really died, but has kept going—even without any funding at all.

Objectives & Aim:

As religion is not—should never in fact, be born out of a vacuum;

 and the older, world orthodox Religions can testify to that, but that it should identify with the aspirations and endeavours, and especially the cultural and social background, besides others, of the area and even region of its founding and establishment, so was LOGOS to be based on the following  ‘wheels’ namely, Orders for both the Objectives and collective Aim for the whole World Spiritual Movement;

  1. Charity Order:  The Charity Order is meant to establish and run its own charitable programmes and activities. It also has the task to fundraise, undertake farming and or food production and so contribute towards the physically handicapped. That, and much more, even if it means having to undertake small business ventures.
  2. Teaching & Learning Order:  The field of literacy is another one of great interest to LOGOS; such as establishing Pre Schools, Schools and so undertaking programmes intended to bring general enlightenment to people—and especially the Youth, in In particular in rural areas.
  3. Arts & Culture Orde :  The Arts and Culture hold great interest for all LOGOS. Such activities as skills for Youths, artistic training, whether in music, Pottery, Painting, Moral regeneration too, and other works of tradition in general and Culture in particular in regions of Africa for instance.
  4. Missionary Order:  This is the first of the fields of LOGOS objectives and activities, and quite a lot has been done in this field just as has been the case in the Charity Order.


LOGOS South Africa has done a lot in the field of charity—assisting the handicapped in terms of food and even clothing. This national office has over the years, just for an example, carried out charity activities in such places as some Townships in the City of Port Elizabeth, Ivory Park in Johannesburg and others among them, Olievenhoutbosch in Johannesburg.

There have been many activities in the field in general, of the Missionary Order. The overall Spiritual head of LOGOS himself has for years now been giving the pure Spiritual lessons every week to initiates—South African DRC refuge nationals and others. These lessons still continue in Gauteng Province.

Sunday Gatherings:

There are also Sunday gatherings for Spiritual Science Services, mostly in Yeoville in Johannesburg. Also, Public Seminars including those of the National and the International (in June too) in early September and at close of the Month of September every year.

The spiritual head of all LOGOS, has over the years, right from mid 70s been writing books of both pure spiritual interest and of general appeal in practical life in the modern age. When funding is available these books shall for sure find their way from LOGOS HQ., out into the world, via LOGOS World Wide.

LOGOS World Wide Mission:

As it were, it had been intended that spiritual teachings take most of the time for some years before such practical programmes like the LOGOS World Wide Mission is launched on the ground.

All the Same:

All the same for quite some time now, missionary programmes have been going on via LOGOS World Wide Office level. Formation level by such means as;

  1. LOGOS Website
  2. LOGOS Facebook Page
  3. LOGOS Twitter Page